

Your curated guide to effortless, everyday style — my favorite things to wear, use, and enjoy. (This page is totally packed with layouts — use what you want and hide the rest!)

cours en ligne

Some information about your favorite brands here and affiliate link disclosure. Poke try-hard vegan pop-up. Banh mi meggings before they sold out meh.

Reels Accélérateur

Okay, but seriously, it lives up to the hype. Hail Kim!


Is there anything more age-defying than "that JLO Glow'? I think not.

Smart Funnel Academy

My favorite brand for elevated but comfortable business-friendly looks.

Course Cash

My favorite pajamas and loungewear — seriously, it's so great!

My go-to shop for basics that are so soft and comfy but still chic and stylish.

My favorite statement sunglasses for any look. I just love 'em!

my amazon shop

The Travel Style Guide

This could go to a blog post, an Amazon stop, your like to know it — whatever you want! gluten-free tofu, ennui salvia tacos woke. Thundercats drinking vinegar kitsch, poke truffaut kinfolk.

Si tu aimes les photos en noir et blanc, mais aussi l'humour belge, viens faire un tour sur mes réseaux sociaux.

La fake life →

Les coulisses →

Que du beau et du joli →